Can we watch decay? Can we see glass as a fluid slowly slumping and deforming over time?
Everything is in constant flux, yet we consider many things around us static and fixed. 3.16 Billion Cycles is an attempt to unravel a seemingly unchanging 100 years into a set of relationships in digestible increments.
Category: Featured
1 Hour Sprocket Clock
Turf Bombing
Turf Bombing is a location-based war game which rewards and encourages traveling to and learning about different neighborhoods.
The New Vote is a location-based SMS polling system and place to post photographic proof of election day votes.
One Brass Knuckle
Soft Pneumatic Exoskeleton
Oblik ( オブリク )
Yokohama, Japan
Completed February 2008
Table Pipes
moMo : A Haptic Navigational Device
Momo is a haptic navigational device that requires only the sense of touch to guide a user. No maps, no text, no arrows, no lights. It sits on the palm of one’s hand and leans, vibrates and gravitates towards a preset location. Akin to someone pointing you in the right direction, there is no need to find your map, you simply follow as the device gravitates to your destination.
momo version 4 now has a sturdier lighter frame. A couple switches were added to control power to arduino and to the GPS unit. The whole unit somehow runs off 4 AA batteries instead of 8. I also realized the compass unit is not as accurate as we’d like. It has a sour spot around 180-270 degrees where the measurements are noticably off by several degrees, due to electromagnetic interference from the nearby motors.
momo version 4 (pov) from che-wei wang on Vimeo.
momo beta scenario 01 from che-wei wang on Vimeo.
moMo V2 : compass motion 01 from che-wei wang on Vimeo.